COVID-19 is here to stay but before we leave with it we need to help the less fortunate not to be victims of the numbers arising in Kibera and also give hope and create Economical recovery model since majority of the people employed loss Jobs ,
In regards and in Partnership with the MasterCard Foundation we have been Responding to Create Awareness on safety Precautions through out the entire Kibera and its Environs Under ItsUpToUs Project Dubbed Usilegeze Covid -19 Bado Iko and also working with the Local Government Trained Community Health Volunteers with Various Activities Including s
14 Hand-wash points
16- Village Forum Discussions on how to stay safe and avoid the myths and the misconceptions .
-20 Groups Training on VSLA (Village Savings and Loans Associations) an Economical Recovery Program with detailed Trainings on Financial Literacy,Business Choices,Business startups ,Soap Making and also Groups formation.
-14 Schools on WASH -Water Sanitation and Hygiene Training to private Slum Schools and not forgetting Power of Art through Wall Muralls Graffity and Media stations
Our overall Target is 750.000
we have issued Soap/ Sanitizers , food and we went a length to pay rent to some elderly , Diabetic and Cancer survivors in Kibera, Korogocho, Mukuru and Mathare through wellwishers and partner companies and organization including , MyCredit Limited, Kenya Pipeline Company , Pontypone Limited, Koinonia Community, Ghetto Classic and Billian Music and Arthi Water
We appreciate the Kenyan President for recognizing our organization on the 25th April 2020 through the link below
To Support our initiative on COVID-19 kindly send us a mail on or paypal with the same email to our Organization Account
Name Greencard Mtaani (GCM)
A/C No- 1152683535