The program will see 300 pupils per year, in three shifts and each shift has 3 months of teachings and sharing motivation stories that will stir up living with purpose in their lives, one shift will accommodate 100 pupils from different schools .the Idea is to make them learn from each other that’s why we work with different schools and later in October they all graduate in one big ceremony and later act as role models to fellow children.
Therefore we would like to invite your institution to join us in this movement which will be held every Friday per week, the training runs for three months and our 1st event will be hosted at GCM.
During this program we will be able to identify orphan and venerable children for Education Support, however Pupils that attain 300 Marks and above in KCPE will be entitled to High School Sponsorship.
We are targeting 30 girls from your school who will undergo our training programs on Education, Behavior change, Reproductive health, sanitation and Hygiene, Drug and substance Abuse, HIV/AIDS, Girl child protection.
zuri Dada is an initiative of Greencard Mtaani with a vision to Nurture, educate, empower, protect and celebrate. After witnessing increase of teenage pregnancy and drugs and substance abuse in Kibera, GCM established a center for girl child empowerment. the project targets primary school girls of age between 11 to 15 years old who belong to class 6, 7, and 8.this is the age that experiences adolescence and this age in the slum and area where people live average lives there is more peer influence and most times it has ended on the wrong side that caused the society so much where it brings shame and neglect to some extend diseases which cost life.